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How to clean your bag properly

If your last customer ordered spring-rolls, onion rings and steamed broccoli, it’s quite likely that your bag doesn’t smell of roses.

No fear: all you need to do is clean your bag properly at the end of your delivery session to get rid of odours and food debris. This will make you – our customers – happy.

Your bag will be as good as new with a bit of elbow grease, a little patience, sponge and soap, a clean cloth, and some vinegar. Not a typo – we did say vinegar!

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean your bag:

  1. Clean the inside and outside of your bag/thermal bag with some neutral soap and a sponge. Don’t forget to clean every nook and cranny of your bag – that’s where cheese crusts like hiding!
  2. Grab a clean cloth and dry your bag both inside and outside.
  3. If you want to get rid of odours and sanitise the surfaces of your bag, vinegar is your friend. We’re sure you’ll have some in your kitchen. Use it to clean your bag and let it work its magic.

Don’t forget that you should only put food in your bag. For the perfect delivery, keep hot and cold dishes separate, as well as food and drinks.

Finally, it’s best not to put your bag on the pavement if you want to keep it clean and shiny.

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