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How do I contact Rider Support?

Most questions can be answered quickly by checking the FAQs on the rider website. The website has loads of helpful info – from questions about perks to our advice for your safety when delivering orders and also the latest app updates.
If an article doesn't answer your question, or or you need to get in touch you can find a teal button underneath the article to get in touch with us.

Live Chat (for live order only)

You can contact Team Rider Support via Live Chat by tapping the support button in the Deliveroo Rider app.
The team is there to help you with any questions or issues you have about an order you’re currently delivering or need to unassign yourself from if your vehicle breaks down, or you’re involved in an accident.

When you do need to contact Live Support through Chat, help the team help you as quickly as possible by:

  • Including your question or issue in your first message;
  • Providing any other relevant information, like the order number;
  • Letting them know what steps you have taken to try and resolve the issue so far.

Other support

Here are some tips on how you can resolve the most common issues riders encounter, without having to contact Team Rider Support.

Useful forms

  1. IBAN update - Your bank account updates requests need to be submitted through the following form. Once you have sent your request, within 48 hours you will receive an email with all the instructions you need to follow to change your bank details (some documents will need to be uploaded to the portal, make sure they meet the requirements as described). Please fill in the form once and wait for our feedback.
  2. VAT type updates – We ask you to fill out the following form to update your VAT number registration, deregistration or other variations.
  3. Vehicle change – It’s important to let us know through the following form that you’re about to use a new vehicle type for delivery purposes (let us remind you that some vehicle types are unavailable in certain areas).
  4. Questions about previous months’ fees – Please fill out the following form for any issue or doubt related to a past payment (including order fees, extras, surges, etc).
  5. Upload your invoice / payslip or your new residence permit - Please remember to always send us your documents through the following form.
  6. In case you have feedback about restaurants, the Deliveroo Rider App or more - Your opinion matters to us, if you wish to report something, fill out the following form.

While you are waiting for our answer, please avoid submitting the same form again, as this may prolong the response time.

How busy your area is
Your map on the app will show you a diagram with hexagons that updates every 5 minutes, the stronger the shade of purple, the more orders available in this area.

So you can see when it’s a great time to go online, take a break, or try riding in a nearby zone that’s busier.

Missing items
If a customer tells you an item is missing from their order, don’t take action on your own, politely let them know that they should report it through the Deliveroo app. Doing this allows you to get back on the road quickly, while our Customer Service helps the customer directly.

Can’t reach customer
If you can’t find the customer’s address, or they aren’t answering their door, there are several ways you can try and contact the customer through your Deliveroo Rider App: send them a message, give them a call, send a “Leaving Soon” alert or complete the order after 5 minutes and leave it in a safe place.

Unable to find the customer of a cash-on-delivery order
If the customer of a cash-on-delivery order doesn’t show up, please contact our Team Rider Support via Live Chat, the team will investigate your case and, if necessary, will refund you for the amount you anticipated at the restaurant, for more info visit the following page.

For any other doubt

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